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Improving predictions of nearshore processes and shoreline dynamics adjacent to natural and engineered coastal structures

2016年11月07日 08:53  点击:[]

题目:Improving predictions of nearshore processes and shoreline dynamics adjacent to natural and engineered coastal structures

报告人:Professor Ryan Lowe

School of Earth and Environment and UWA Oceans InstituteUniversity of Western Australia




报告人简介:Ryan Lowe is a Professor at the University of Western Australia. He received his PhD in Civil and Environmental Engineering in 2005 from Stanford University. After completing a postdoctoral research and lecturing position at Stanford, he commenced his present position at UWA in 2007. Lowe’s research in coastal engineering and physical oceanography focuses on the study of how oceanic and atmospheric forcing drives the circulation and distribution of wave energy along the coast, with activities extending from the nearshore zone to the deeper shelf ocean. In many cases, this work is motivated by the need to improve our understanding of the coupling between hydrodynamics and other key processes occurring in marine environments, such as sediment transport and coastal water quality. Lowe has authored over 80 papers in leading international journals, is the Editor for the Journal of Geophysical Research – Oceans (a top multidisciplinary oceanography journal), and serves on the Expert Group in Physical Oceanography for the Australian Meteorological and Oceanography Society. In 2012, Lowe received a prestigious five-year Australian Research Council (ARC) Future Fellowship to further expand his research on coastal ocean dynamics along Western Australia’s extensive (~20,000 km) coastline, ranging from the strongly wave-forced systems in the southwest to the macrotidal systems in the northwest.




上一条:西澳大学Mark Cassidy教授学术报告通知 下一条:谢礼立院士报告:土木工程灾害及其防御

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