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2016年12月12日 11:56  点击:[]

【报告人】:刘学岩 博士、高级研究员

【题 目】:新一代可持续及环境友好型路面材料的研究及应用

【时 间】:20161215 下午3:00-5:30

【地 点】:三号实验楼3楼会议室


Dr. Xueyan Liu,

Section of Pavement Engineering, Faculty of  Civil Engineering & Geosciences,

Delft University of Technology

Dr. Liu is currently a senior researcher in  the section of Pavement Engineering of the Faculty of Civil Engineering &  Geosciences of TU Delft. He works in the areas of constitutive modelling,  numerical modelling and material experimental characterization. Within the  research program of the Section Pavement Engineering, his research topics mostly  relate to the development and implementation of constitutive models for the  simulation of the static and dynamic response of various pavement engineering  materials like soils, asphalt concrete, liner and reinforcing systems etc.. Dr.  Liu has published more than 100 technical and journal papers on the mechanics  and the finite element modelling of granular, concrete and asphaltic materials.  Dr. Liu is a member of RILEM Technical Committee of Cracking in Asphalt  Pavements WG3 and a member of Delft Centre for Materials (DCMat). He is also a  member of ISAP, AAPT and IACMAG.




刘学岩博士是代尔夫特理工大学土木工程及岩土工程学院道路工程团队的核心成员。他在道路材料的本构模型,数值模拟和实验材料特性研究领域作了大量工作,他是路面分析计算软件(CAPA-3D)的主要开发者, 他的研究课题主要涉及到开发模拟各种路面工程材料的本构模型,如多孔介质,沥青混凝土等工程材料的静态和动态力学响应的仿真,路面力学,多尺度力学和非线性有限元分析技术,  多物理场耦合作用下沥青路面损伤特性及力学行为评估,路面加速加载试验以及路面材料可持续性发展技术等方面的应用。他发表了100多篇国际期刊和国际会议论文。刘学岩博士是沥青路面开裂WG3RILEM技术委员会的成员,国际沥青混凝土协会(ISAP)会员,美国沥青混凝土铺面技术协会会员(AAPT),美国土木工程协会ASCE-EMI委员会“路面力学”的会员,荷兰代尔夫特理工大学材料中心(DCMat)的成员。他多次组织和参与各种道路材料方面的国际会议,并出任组织委员会主席或科学委员会成员。

上一条:Recent Advances of Interactions between fluid and marine sediments 下一条:Engineering Mechanics Institute Conference 2017(mini-symposium) 会议信息

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